- Comprehensive Canada
- A Japan guide
- Guide to Regional Plates on Japanese Utility Poles
- The Malaysia Doc
- The Mongolian Meta - All about Mongolia, partially outdated; La Meta Mongole (French original)
- Metas and Tips for South Africa
- Traffic Signals of the US
- How to identify Asian, African, and Middle Eastern alphabets at a glance
- How to identify any language at a glance
- GeoGuessr - The Top Tips, Tricks and Techniques
- Plonkit
- Water Tanks of the World
- Backs of signs of the world
- Beer of the World
- Boats of the World
- Bollards of the world
- Chevrons of the world
- City signs of the world
- Country domains of the world
- Currency of the world
- Direction signs of the world
- Follow cars of the world
- Gas stations of the world
- Google Car meta of the World
- Pedestrian Signs of the World
- Post Boxes of the World
- Rifts of the world
- Road Number Signs of the World
- Sidewalks of the world
- Sign posts of the world
- Stop signs of the world
- Street name signs of the world
- Traffic lights of the world
- Tram Speed Limits of the World
- Utility poles of the world
- Yield signs of the World
Mapping tools
- Map Making App - A great tool to make and organise maps
- Map Generator - A tool to filter map coverage
- Emily's Geoguessr Tools - Coverage date maps, Pano tools, Map splitter
- Vali - Map generation tool
- Vinz3210's Maptools - GeoJson to JSON converter, iNaturalist map generator and other helpful map making tools
- Overpass Turbo - OSM query tool
- Qgis - Open-source mapping software for creating and analyzing geographic data
- Mapillary - Collaborative platform for crowdsourced street-level imagery and map data
- Apple Look Around Viewer - A tool to view apple maps on any device/browser
- NL Road Signs - A map with all road signs in the Netherlands
- iNaturalist - A website for sharing biodiversity observations and identifying species
- PhotoSphere Studio - A tool to upload photospheres to StreetView
- Virtual Streets - Street view news
- Geohints bollard quiz - Quiz with all bollards found on Geohints
- Emily's Geoguessr Tools - Country quizzes, writting system quizzes
Geography games
- Geoguessr - StreetView guessing game
- Geobingo - StreetView scavenger hunt game
- Chatguessr - Geoguessr with Twitch chat
- Hide & Seek World - Hide and seek game on Streetview
- Openguessr - Geoguessr alternative
- Geohub - Geoguessr alternative