What is the goal of the website?
To provide the most accurate and detailed information about metas in Geoguessr as possible.
Is the development still ongoing?
Yup! We are always collecting and adding new meta!
Can I help?
The best way you can help is by submitting any missing/wrong information. If there is anything in particular you would like to give a hand with, please contact us on Discord.
Is the website for sale?
Yes, for the low low price of a private island. Unless you can offer that, please don't even bother asking.
What is the best way to contact you?
We have a dedicated Discord server and any issues/suggestions can be posted there.
Where can I follow what new things are happening with the website?
Work on the site is partially streamed on Twitch and discussions about meta also happens on the Discord server.
How can I support the website?
The website is free to use and does not run any ads. If you would like to support it by helping with server/domain costs, you can currently do that via the the Geohints Twitch channel or Ko-fi.